Borland C++ 5.0 Scripts

GNU Grep

A script for using GNU grep from the BC 5.x ide.
Create new tool and set
Name: GNU Grep
Path: location of downloaded GNU grep.exe
Command line: -n $NOSWAP $CAP MSG(GG2MSG) $PROMPT *.?pp *.h *.rh *.rc
Menu text: &GNU grep
Help hint: GNU grep
Add the follwing code at the end of bc5\script\filters.spp

// Begin GWC mods
// Filter for GNU grep version 2.1
//   based on ParseBorlandMessages() in this file
//   key difference is that a colon follows the line number
// Handle messages of the form:
//    Filename:####: MessageText
//      (Type: INFORMATION)
// and also:
//    grep: MessageText
//      (Type: ERROR)
// where:
//    Filename is the name of the source module
//    #### is a number representing the line in the source module
  declare input;      // The raw text output.
  declare line;      // The input string that is processed.
  declare p;        // A "pointer" into line.
  declare fileName;    // The message filename.
  declare fileRow;    // The message line number.
  declare msgType;    // The message type.
  declare message;    // The message.

  // Notify user that messages are being processed.
  IDE.StatusBar = "grep...";

  // Read output text until there is no more.
  while((input = output.ReadLine()) != NULL)
    // Convert the raw text into a String object.
    line = new String(input);

    // Remove leading whitespace and skip empty lines
    if(line == "" || line.Trim(1).Length <= 1)

    // Check for lines that begin with "grep:"
    if(line.SubString(0, 5).Text == "grep:")
      msgType = ERROR;
      msgType = INFORMATION;

    p = 0;

    // Extract a filename and line number.
    // Move to the filename.
    line = line.SubString(p);

    // Extract the filename.
    if((p = line.Index(":")) != 0)
      fileName = line.SubString(0, p - 1).Text;

      // Move to the line number.
      line = line.SubString(p);

      // Extract the line number.
      if((p = line.Index(":")) != 0)
        fileRow = line.SubString(0, p - 1).Integer;
        fileRow = 1;
      fileName = "";
      fileRow  = 1;

    // Post the message to the IDE message database.
      ("GNU Grep"
    IDE.ViewMessage("&GNU grep");

  return 0;
// End GWC mods

Add the follwing code in bc5\script\filtstub.spp, in the switch (Tool.Text) statement

// Begin GWC mods
    case "GG2MSG":
    case "GG2MSG.DLL":
     return ParseGNUGrepMessages(output);
// End GWC mods

Note: If you have modified filters.spp and filtstub.spp, do not download them from the site. Instead, make the changes from above.



Download GNU grep

TASM32 bug fix

If you rebuild/make a file containing inline asm (possibly .asm files as well), the IDE creates a bogus .000 file, but doesn't replace the old .obj file. The .000 file actually appears to be the new .obj file, but it of course is never used by the linker. If you don't know about this problem, it can be very confusing at link-time!

This snippet tries to remedy this situation by replacing the old .obj file with the .000 file after TASM32 returns.

import IDE;

import "KERNEL32.DLL"
   int MoveFileExA(char* from, char* to, unsigned flags);
   int DeleteFileA(char* file );
   int CopyFileA(char* from, char* to, bool FailIfExists );
   int GetFileAttributes( char* from );

#define MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING   0x00000001
#define MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED       0x00000002

on IDE:>TranslateComplete(declare status, declare inputPath, declare outputPath){
      declare tmpFileName = new String(outputPath);
      tmpFileName = tmpFileName.Lower();
      declare idx = tmpFileName.Index(".obj");
         //.MessageCreate("Buildtime", "transfer", INFORMATION, 0, outputPath, 0, 0, "Idx found");
         tmpFileName = tmpFileName.SubString(0, idx);
         tmpFileName = tmpFileName.Text+"000";
         if( GetFileAttributes(tmpFileName)==-1 ){
           //declare msg = "000 File does not exist. Nothing to do";
           //.MessageCreate("Buildtime", "transfer", INFORMATION, 0, outputPath, 0, 0, msg);
         if(MoveFileExA(tmpFileName, outputPath, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING|MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED )){
           // practically it does not work on substed drives at least
           declare msg = "Renamed " + tmpFileName + " to " + outputPath;
           .MessageCreate("Buildtime", "transfer", INFORMATION, 0, outputPath, 0, 0, msg);
         if(CopyFileA(tmpFileName, outputPath, false)){
            if(DeleteFileA( tmpFileName )){
              // practically it does work in most cases
              declare msg = "Moved " + tmpFileName + " to " + outputPath;
              .MessageCreate("Buildtime", "transfer", INFORMATION, 0, outputPath, 0, 0, msg);
              declare msg = "Copyed " + tmpFileName + " to " + outputPath;
              .MessageCreate("Buildtime", "transfer", INFORMATION, 0, outputPath, 0, 0, msg);
              msg = "Not deleted " + tmpFileName;
              .MessageCreate("Buildtime", "transfer", ERROR, 0, tmpFileName, 0, 0, msg);
           declare msg = "Not renamed " + tmpFileName + " to " + outputPath;
           .MessageCreate("Buildtime", "transfer", FATAL, 0, outputPath, 0, 0, msg);
   pass(status, inputPath, outputPath);


Shortcut to project node attributes

This script is useful for quickly changing the attributes of subsequent nodes. It sends to the project window the following key sequense: Down arrow, Alt-F10, n, Alt-s. This selectes the next node, opens the page for editing node attributes and selects the Style Sheets combo box.

import IDE;

declare keyboard = IDE.KeyboardManager.GetKeyboard("Project");
keyboard.Assign("<F12>", "ShowNodeAttr();");



Autoincrement build version

This script implements an autoincrementing build number in the VERSIONINFO resource. It just looks for a .rc node in the project, opens it and increments the 4th comma-seperated number in the "VERSIONINFO" "FILEVERSION" entry on each build process.

/* - increments the build number in the first found resource file
 *  (extension .rc ) of the project AFTER each build
 *  Author: Matthias Seemann (2004)
import IDE;
import scriptEngine;
// Load support module(s).
if (!scriptEngine.IsLoaded("file")) scriptEngine.Load("file");

on IDE:>BuildComplete(status, inputPath, outputPath)
   if (!status)
   declare project = new ProjectNode();

   declare exe = new ProjectNode(project.ChildNodes[0]);
   declare current;
   declare sName;
   declare tmpNode;
   iterate (tmpNode; exe.ChildNodes)
      current = new ProjectNode(tmpNode);
      sName = new String(current.Type);
      if (sName.Index(".rc") > 0)

         declare rcFile = new TFlatFile(current.InputName);

         /* declare aLines = rcFile.GetLines("FILEVERSION");
         declare sLine;
         iterate(sLine; aLines)
         delete sLine;
         delete aLines;

         if (!rcFile.EdPos.Search("VERSIONINFO", TRUE, FALSE))
         if (!rcFile.EdPos.Search("FILEVERSION", TRUE, FALSE))
         //IDE.Message(rcFile.EdPos.Search("FILEVERSION", TRUE, FALSE));
         rcFile.EdPos.Search(",", TRUE, FALSE);
         rcFile.EdPos.Search(",", TRUE, FALSE);
         rcFile.EdPos.Search(",", TRUE, FALSE);

         declare sIn = new String(rcFile.EdPos.RipText(" 0123456789",


         declare iTextLength = sIn.Length;


         declare iNumber = sIn.Integer;


         iNumber = iNumber + 1;



         sIn.Integer = iNumber;

         rcFile.EdPos.InsertText(" ");


         delete iTextLength;
         delete iNumber;
         delete sIn;


         delete rcFile;

      delete sName;
      delete current;
   delete sName;
   delete tmpNode;
   /*declare i;
   for (i = 0; i < 2 ; i++)
     IDE.Message(project.ChildNodes[i] + project.ChildNodes[i].Type);
   delete i;*/
   delete current;
   delete exe;
   delete project;


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